The PME Líder and PME Excelência statute is a label of corporate reputation.
The purpose
The purpose of the FINCRESCE Program is to raise awareness and optimize the financing conditions of companies with a higher risk profile and to pursue growth strategies and strengthen their competitive base. It does so by assigning the PME Líder and PME Excelência statute.
The meaning of this statute
The PME Líder and PME Excelência statute is a corporate reputation label created by the Institute to Support Small and Medium Sized companies (IAPMEI) to distinguish the merit of national SMEs with superior performance. This is awarded in partnership with Turismo de Portugal and with a set of partner banks, based on the best rating and economic-financial indicators.
Lacoviana is a PME Líder and PME Excelência
The PME Líder statute was awarded to us since 2010 and PME Excelencia statute in 2016, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
For further information www.iapmei.pt