New Factory

New Factory

Progress and modernisation go hand in hand: a new factory is a recent achievement at Lacoviana.

It all started with a modest aluminium treatment and lacquering line. Then a second, more modern one with greater production capacity. But we didn’t want to stop there. Over the years, in order to respond to the needs of our customers and the new demands of the market, the perspective has always been one of constant improvement.

From the construction of this new industrial unit in 1999, to the introduction of new products and services in 2003 with Wood Effect Lacquering and in 2007 with Anodising, there have been many advances and achievements that mean we still have exclusive technologies and vast (re)knowledge of the Portuguese market.

With this in mind, and because our main objective is to give you the best, in 2017 we decided to move ahead with the construction of a new industrial unit in the area of the existing units. This new plant has now started operating and we can’t be happier to share this news with you.

Thanks to this progress, we now have 12,000 square metres of covered area, in addition to the 8,000 already existing, and the most modern production technology in terms of Lacquering (Horizontal and Vertical Line), Wood Effect Lacquering (Powder on Powder), Anodising and Stamping.

All so that you can always be provided with the maximum guarantee of quality, well up to the demanding standards of the most respected product certifications (ISO:9001, QUALICOAT QUALIDECO and QUALANOD) that we have held for several years now.

The new factory has thus optimised production and further improved the quality and service standards to which our customers have become accustomed. Reliability, capacity and response time, as well as delivery times, have also undergone major improvements, contributing, along with the previous ones, to the fulfilment of our initial (and constant) expectations of growth and modernisation. All this without ever forgetting, of course, the special and important care taken with sustainability and environmental efficiency, which was also made easier after this process.

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